Friday, July 13, 2012

Here we go again!

Ok, this time I mean it. I am committing to blogging, at least for the next 27 weeks. Why 27 weeks you ask? Well, that is how I came to the decision to re-commit to this whole blogging idea, which I totally failed at so many times before.

Starting this past Monday I started training for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in Disneyland on January 20, 2013. So far so good, but I'm only 1 week in. I've decided to look at this in a one week at a time mentality. Running for me is hard enough. I will be honest with you all, I am in terrible shape. There I said it. I've gotten lazy and gained far too much weight. But like anything else in life, when in doubt, set a goal!

That goal is now about 27 weeks away, 13.1 fabulous miles through Disneyland and Anaheim, CA, and a fundraising goal of $1,250. I have decided to team up with the Autism Speaks team for this particular marathon. I am a terrible fund raiser, well, as an adult I am a terrible fund raiser. When I was little and cute this was SO simple! As an adult it is going to prove to be a much more daunting task.

However, like my training regime, I will also have to look at this in a one day at a time mindset. Every day is a new day and every day is an opportunity. If I can commit to running, raising money is a small task! If you feel moved to help me out, if you know any one who has been touched by Autism, or you are a true saint please help me raise money for Autism Speaks! If only 96 of you lovely folks give me $13.1 (that's only a mere $1 per mile I will run) I can easily reach my goal!

You can donate here (if this link doesn't take you directly to my page, you can search for me- Nicole Sorrentino)

Thanks! You all are amazing!

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