Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3. Lines

I'm using an old picture for today's prompt. It is definitely not my best photographic work, but it serves its purpose. My mom and I are gearing up for a fun weeklong adventure back to the Happiest Place on Earth.

I love Disneyland, it is my "home", I feel so much joy and comfort just walking through the esplanade. Someone asked me recently what it is that I find so enjoyable about visiting the park as often as I do. How could I possibly find joy in the throngs of people and long lines? I tend to be fairly awkward in social situations, my mom would disagree, however I have found the older I get the weirder I get about social conventions. However, at Disney it is easy to find a common bond with many visitors. I find this particularly true at Disneyland because it is a "local's park". I feel like the lines and the waiting is a chance to meet new and interesting people who share my love, affection, and appreciation for Walt's park. I tour solo a lot, which opens me up to a lot of time with complete strangers.

Waiting in line for attractions is a fun way to pass time, meet people, or just watch them. Honestly, the lines are as fun as the attractions sometimes. Everything at Disney is about the experience, and the lines are no exception. Take the time to enjoy the 45 minute wait for Star Tours, not only is the queue immaculately themed, but you get to observe and interact with so many wonderful people; Star Wars nuts, Disney Geeks, weekend warriors, harried parents.

Waiting in line is a fact of life, but it can be an enjoyable and shared experience. I made a young French girl's day while waiting in line for an attraction during our visit last May. She asked about a pin I had tacked to my purse. I told her she could have it, it was something I had made and if she wanted it it was hers. Seeing her happy made my visit just that more enjoyable. Its little things like that, I feel, that make Disney Parks a special place.

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