I put my Rent shirt on today that has this phrase written on it. It inspired me. How true that phrase is, there really is no day but today. Ok, I can hear you saying, sure captain obvious, of course that's true. Look at it with me, put on your existential glasses, dig deep and embrace the cliches of life. If you don't live for today, then what is there. I like the idea of living in the now. I plan for silly things like vacations and meals, but the nuts and bolts of life, I like to fly by the seat of my pants. No matter how hard you try to shape your destiny, I believe, certain forces will push you in a specific direction no matter how hard you try to avoid the inevitable.
I spent a good portion of today trying to nail down which portion of the medical world I would like to work. I have spent the better part of a year figuring out what I want to do with my career, all I've been able to do is figure out what I don't want to do. The career marketing class I am in now is forcing me to narrow down my choices of who and where I want to work. I'm a terrible decision maker. The job market is a whole lot more intense than the last time I had to look for a job. You have to know the key words to get your resume noticed, say this, don't say this, buzzword this, and career killer that. It is a nightmare! Job hunting should not be this complicated. Either you are qualified or you're not. Alas, it is no longer that simple.
So now I must seize the day and join the ranks of all the other professional job hunters of the world. So tomorrow I will bite the bullet and start calling doctor's offices to talk about my career and feel out whether or not their specialty is the right choice for me. Carpe Diem, no day but today.....
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