I have been pondering this question as I'm debating at least 2 additional trips to Disneyland this year. I have many friends who are as die hard as I am, but they are dwarfed by the amount of friends who worry for my sanity. So it begs to reason, how many trips are too many trips in a single calendar year?
I am an out of state Disneyland annual pass holder. This in and of itself raises red flags in my non-Disney loving friends. To me after 2 week-long trips a year, it seemed silly not to get an AP, however, that logic has a few drawbacks. Those drawbacks happen to include, "but I have an AP now, I HAVE to make the most of it!" and "I can totally take a long weekend this weekend!" among a few others. If I take at least 4 trips in a one year period I've paid for my pass. But what's wrong with a few more? Right?
I'm a big fan of discount travel sites and utilizing any cost cutting measures I can. I am lucky enough to have a flight attendant friend who helps fuel my addiction with discount airfare as well. So with that all added together, I can rationally do a 4 day weekend for around $300 with hotel, car, and airfare. That leaves a lot of room for thought.
Addiction or not, is there really such a thing as too much Disney? The beauty, luxury, relaxation, fun and magic surrounding a few days at Disney is something you do not get to experience every day. Maybe one day I will tire of the magic, but until then, I think that at least 6 Disney filled (both Land and World) trips isn't too much nor is it really enough. Maybe I can squeeze in a Christmas trip too...